Hello everyone! Happy Holidays! Can you believe it is already December? Where did the year go? So, this is very embarrassing… but I’ve only seen snow once in my life anndddd that was 2 years ago. How pathetic is that? What can I say, I’m a beach kind of gal. Last month I got a wild hair up my butt and told myself I was going to see snow damnit! I went online and searched anywhere up north for a cheap ticket and that just happened to be Toronto of all places. Convinced two of my best friends to go and booked it the same day. I was very excited because I’ve never been to Toronto or Canada in general. I’ve only heard good things so I wanted to see for myself. We arrived late Thursday night in Toronto and booked a room at the Hotel Victoria on Younge St which is absolutely adorable and a great location downtown. I really recommend it. We decided that night that we were going to go just have a drink before calling it a night. We walked out of our hotel and go down the first street we can find. We see two people drunk staggering out of a bar so it had to be a good time in there, right? We walk in after freezing our butts off to this bar called “The Reservoir”. We walk downstairs (it was underground) to find the most amazing jazz bar. It was styled like a speak-easy. Everyone was swing dancing and great music. They had the best cocktails there! Great place to check out. The next day we got up and it was so cold out. This Florida girl was about to die… but it was SNOWING! Yay! We grabbed a quick breakfast and headed to the Art Gallery of Ontario (AGO). I recommend checking that out. After that we decided to go to Chinatown and walk around and get some lunch at this cute Ramen (like ramen noodles) restaurant which was good but not the best. After that we went and shopped around Queen Street. Definitely a great place to do shopping. That night we went to this great bar before dinner called “BarChef”. AWESOME place. Delicious {strong} drinks and awesome ambiance. We had some appetizers there as well as a $40 (yes, $40) “molecular” drink with gin, coconut rum, truffle, dill, salt, and hell if I know what else. It sounds crazy but it was actually delicious! Don’t worry… we all shared one. It better be for $40. After that we went to this really cute industrial looking Italian restaurant called Gusto right off of Queen St W. It was delicious. I got butternut squash ravioli… you can never go wrong with that. Ended the night by dancing the night away on Ossington Street. Lots of fun places on that street! The next day we got up and went to brunch at a really cute little place off Queen St W called “The County General”. I had a croque madame which was… so good. We had some fancy little cocktails to go with our brunch as well. Mine had coffee in it so I could totally justify it,right? Michelle had something called a “Ceasar” which is basically a bloody mary with Clamato juice (tomato juice with spices and clam juice). They’re very popular up there. In fact, people looked at us strange when she originally asked for a bloody mary. We shopped all around Toronto that day and found the mother of all Pastry Shops called “Nadege Patisserie” on… once again Queen St W. Basically just do everything off Queen St W huh? They had delicious macaroons. Swoon. I bought 15. I wish I was joking but I’m not. That night we met up with a friend that lives in Toronto now and we were supposed to go eat dinner at this hotspot called “Grand Electric” but somehow we all met up at a bar and never made the reservation. We went to this member only club called the “SoHo House” with our friend. So much fun! We found our way into a photobooth and couldn’t get out. Later that night when we were all starving we decided to stop at this place that had a line out of the door. All it said on the outside was “Poutine”. We saw the signs everywhere and wondered what they were. Holy mother of goodness. Fries with gravy and all kinds of toppings. We got bacon, onions, cheese curds (yum), and ham. Ahhhhh SO good!!! It’s very popular in Canada and now I know why. Deliciousness. Must try if you’re ever in Canada. Did I mention how healthy it is? Not. The next day we went and had some breakfast and then went to a cute Art Gallery and we were off to the airport. Too bad we had to end the trip sitting on the runway for 1 1/2 hours and missed our flight from Detroit back home. We had to stay in Detroit overnight. Not fun… but the trip was too much fun I couldn’t even handle it! Everyone go to Toronto… now.

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Awesome I love Toronto, such a great city!! With some of the best food, I think lol Sounds like you had a blast~!