Pictures that prove Obidos, Portugal is the cutest village ever

  This medieval fortress village located in Portugal was one of my favorite stops on my road trip last Summer. It is only an hour away from Lisbon and being there feels like you’ve stepped back hundreds of years.     Every alleyway is filled with picturesque buildings untouched throughout the years, leaving you feeling…


My favorite airbnb’s I’ve stayed in!

Whenever I travel, I love looking into the different accommodation options. More times than not, I find myself wanting to stay in an apartment as opposed to a hotel. When you stay in an apartment I find that you get a better feel for the city. I’ve stayed in beautiful airbnb’s around the world, and…

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19 Places To Visit In 2019

Guess what- 2019 is right around the corner. If you’re anything like me then you’re already dreaming of where next year will take you. Oh, the possibilities! Oh, the excitement! Don’t have a clue of where you want to go? Well, I’ve decided for you. Here are 19 places to visit in 2019! 1. Kyoto,…

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18 places to visit in 2018

A new year means new opportunities for adventure! At the beginning of a year my mind races, wondering where all I’ll end up. I’ll scour through social media accounts for inspiration and make a list for the year of everywhere I’d like to visit. Sometimes I get to go and sometimes they get put on…


17 places to visit in 2017

Ahhhh the new year. A time for resolutions, new hopes for the year, and a list of places that you want to see. Most of us spend January dreaming of what the year has in store for us. What will happen? Where will I go?! Am I going to take that exotic vacation I’ve been…


10 Ultimate Trips To Take With Your Best Friends

Ok, I’ll say it…. trips are WAY more fun with your best friend than your significant other. Sorry, it’s true. Although romantic trips are fun and all, nothing beats letting your hair down with your bestie. I’ve been lucky enough to travel all over the world with my best friends and I have some incredible…

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10 ultimate romantic destinations to visit on Valentine’s Day

Ahhhh Valentines Day- the day of love and romance. There’s no better way to spend it then with your love in a different country in the ultimate romantic setting. Show your loved one just how must you really love them by whisking them off to one of my top ten places! Move over flowers and…
